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Will he ever love me the way he loved her ex-girlfriend


  1. #1
    suman-mishra is offline Just in!
    kskskskskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    Last edited by suman-mishra; 10-06-2015 at 01:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Aarish Rizvi's Avatar
    Aarish Rizvi
    Aarish Rizvi is offline eTI Bronze
    Hi Suman, welcome to eTI.

    First of all you don't have to worry at all, he is a good guy and he loves you equally. The problem is that he has been through a phase of life where things changed and he also. What I feel that it will take time , a good amount of time to completely get over his past. For now, you need to understand that he is more practical, logical and patient guy than he was earlier. Moreover, age counts.. you are expecting a 22 year (he was 24 with her ex) guy from a 27 year man... thats not possible, it was also because of her phase of life that you had found him more romantic at that time.

    Essentially he has lost expectation from life, he himself said that he don't want to get hurt again. So, you should respect his feeling and should fill the void with your love (not your complaints).

    Also, stop comparing yourself with her, stop comparing him with his past.. the day you forgets your past and his past (his ex) then you will see things from better perspective.

    Accept him the way he is now, you know he is more precautious to not get too much involved, that is the reason he is not very possessive about you, may be his view is like "if she loves me, she won't cheat on me" and hence he OK for you going with guys. And he is right though, even if he was possessive about her ex, she still cheated with him.

    So, stop staring at the dark, see the brighter side and value what you have. Looks , face, appearance becomes secondary when one falls in love , so stop worrying about that. Show him positive attitude towards relationship, don't be too much demanding but be caring always.

    Rest is all upon you because you know yourself, your condition, you affair, your relation better than anyone else in this world.

  3. #3
    drsky is offline eTI Iron

    You can reassure him at times, that you would not cheat on him. But the fact that you go out with your guy friends and that he doesn't make any remarks shows that he is indifferent towards it. Just keep reassuring him and make your time more available for him rather than your guy friends. And show him that you care for him and love him very much. This will take time, so you need to have patience. And dont worry about that girl, she is gone from his life. Try to boost his ego in a sincere manner.
    And pray to God daily(for God is love) and HE can bring you love(miracles happen daily), and help couples and singles seeking love and marriage as much as possible(through out your life) so that positive karma/action will bring positivity or love into your life.

    Wish you the best,

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