Heroes Season 4 Episode 5 Discussion / Reviews(12 Oct 2009)-Hysterical Blindness
Heroes Episode 5 from Season 4 and Volume 5 which was aired on TV on 12 October 2009 Recap :-
Hysterical Blindness
Lydia cautions Samuel against bringing in new members to their clan. Peter tries to connect with Emma, who wants nothing to do with him, and Sylar struggles to find the person he once was.
Claire becomes suspicious of new roommate Gretchen, when it looks like she's created a near fatal accident during a sorority pledge. Stunning Claire, Gretchen reveals her true motive with a kiss! After an argument with her mother, who wants her to quit grieving and rejoin the human race, Emma runs into traffic. Luckily, Peter's on hand to whisk her to safety, gaining her ability in the process. Later at home, Emma finds a cello, courtesy of the carnival, and discovers that her newfound skill has a dark side -- busting walls.
Angela is worried when Nathan is nowhere to be found. Little does she know, Sylar has dug his way out of the shallow grave in the woods, and stumbled into police custody, while in the grips of total amnesia. A rookie psychologist offers to help Sylar regain his life, but when Captain Lubbock discovers a hint off a fingerprint, he tries to take down the man he believes to be Gabriel Gray. Insisting that he's not a killer, Sylar's ability rises up to protect him, and he's able run from the cops... into the waiting arms of Samuel and the carnival.
Courtesy : NBC