the east -west divide is so truly exercised when it comes to the audience of Indian movies. Indian musicals have never received their due credit from the western audience.if reality is what the western media and the audience demands, it is unfortunate but true that most Indian films are often guilty of emotional excesses and senseless rhetoric. even if we exercise a willing suspension of disbelief , the audience is infact emotion specific and demanding. the logic and perfection in film making is also one of the prime objectives of western audience. but when it comes to the western directors wanting to include an Indian theme they commit the same mistake of viewing the Indian context from the western imagination, which creates an exceptional and fantastic world be it a slumdog millionaire or for that matter spielberg's indiana jones and the temple of doom. an Indian intellectual must have shuddered with disbelief at the tasteless presentation of Indian kings gulping down live snakes and having a feast of the monkey's grey matter. the taste and culture of these two worlds are so varied that to bring these two worlds into consonance will indeed be an arduous task ahead.