during the process of registration in selfcare.edc, a notification is continuously interrupting the procedure i.e 'customer id/ e-mail id is invalid or user id exists'. what should i do now ?
during the process of registration in selfcare.edc, a notification is continuously interrupting the procedure i.e 'customer id/ e-mail id is invalid or user id exists'. what should i do now ?
Are you still facing this problem or you are still facing it ?
And I hope you are following instructions given on their website :
1) Customer Id/Unique Id: Enter your Customer Id/Unique Id present in the printed telephone bill. Click on the question mark icon to view sample bill showing Customer Id.
2) User Id: User Id should contain atleast one alphabet and atleast one digit, should be minimun of 5 characters and maximun of 30 characters. Special characters other than underscore(_),dot(.),hyphen(-),at(@) are not allowed.
In case the User Id entered is already selected by another customer, then a message would be displayed to enter another user Id.
3) Password: Choose a strong password having a minimum length of 8 characters.Password should have at least one alphabet and at least one digit.
4) Challenge Question: Enter a challenge question to be used in case you forget your password.
5) Answer to Challenge Question: Enter the answer to the challenge question.
6) Email: Enter valid email address which is used by us for further contact and correspondence.
7) Do you have Broadband: Select Y if you have broadband otherwise select N.
8) BB User Id: If you select Do you have broadband value as Y then you need to provide your Bradband user id.