Marriage warning signs help you to notice that your marriage is in danger. It is advisable that you need to be aware of the marriage warning signs to save your marriage landing into divorce.

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Top 7 Warning Signs of Marriage
The top seven warning signs of marriage are listed below.

  1. Life is routine
    Even though both of you spend time together, you might not be able to share your feelings with your spouse. If you do not express your feelings, your marriage becomes dull. It is very important that both of you should communicate with each other in an efficient manner. If there is lack of communication then there are chances that you might land in divorce. Life becomes routine when there is lack of communication.
  2. Criticizing your partner
    If you find that your partner is criticizing you or trying to degrade you, then you can consider this to be a warning sign of marriage. Few of them try to criticize in direct or an indirect way, that is, they try to degrade your close ones like your relatives or your friends.
  3. Lack of sharing
    If you feel that your spouse is trying to hide things from you, then as a partner it is your responsibility to find out the reasons for concealing things from you. If you feel that your partner is not even sharing the common information say about his career plans, finances, then you have to find out the reason for lack of sharing the views.
  4. Look for the Common Distractions -they watch TV, look up for books
    Few of them take their partners for granted. If you find that your spouse is not listening to you, and moreover watching TV or looking up for some books when you are trying to discuss an important then this can be the considered as the warning sign of your marriage.
  5. Arguing
    If you find your partner arguing even for the simpler issues then you need to correct him. It is better to correct such issues at the initial stages. Whenever conflicts arise in marriage, few people start blaming each other. Certain times, it so happens that conflicts arise due to the external factors like the surroundings. There are some things to notice when you land in conflicts. You should find out the cause for the conflict and who among you is responsible for the conflicts and you should also be aware of external factors.
  6. Intimacy
    Maintaining intimacy with your partner plays a very important role in marriage. Lack of intimacy might give you a sign of dullness in your marriage. If this becomes terrible there are chances that you might land in divorce.
  7. Physical appearance
    Most of us like to have good looking appearance. Few of them are very particular about this issue.
    There might come up some situations where physical appearance plays a crucial role in warning sign of marriage that is, few of them put on weight and might become stout where the spouse does not like their appearance. Hence physical appearance also plays a role when you are discussing about the warning signs of marriage.