Steroids r banned medicines but still sportsmen r abusing them to enhance the performance & destroy themselvas. Even many experienced sportsmen especially in athletes(Track Race etc.), wrestling & bodybuilding these drugs r used in a very improper manner. Sportsman with there educated fool coaches happily using them & win the competitions at state level & national level. Y those players r not caught bcoz testing steroids in someone urine or blood may result in the expense of money which consequently increase in the organisational expenses for such competetion. Also our Sports Administration is just announcing tha to use steroid is prohibited but they should describe the adverse effecst of steroids & there influence & also explain that while using such performance enhancing what precautions should be taken & how much daily protein & carb & other vit-minerals r required. Our Big players r not so intelligent. Still hesitating of using food Supplements but happily using drugs. There should be proper check on chemist shop who r selling medicines like Menabol, Deca etc. in a ease. Food Supp. must be appreciated. Also here should be a qualified coach in every GYM. Our Sports Adm. of India should these necessary decision. They r still not aware that this discrepancies r spoiling the countries sports talent.
I will detail more from next time...........till that live healthier & happy.