i have existing home 250 plan can somebody tell me how to change or what's the procedure to change my existing plan to 500c.?
i have existing home 250 plan can somebody tell me how to change or what's the procedure to change my existing plan to 500c.?
today is Feb 04, changing plan is very simple but only thing with changing plan is that it will be affecting only on next billing cycle, so if you give change plan request today, it will get effective from 1st March only.
So to change plan, get copy of your latest paid bill and write an application on plain paper mentioning what you want with your all detail ie. address, phone No, current plan.
Goto BSNL office nearby, ask them for broadband dept. and give it to them and do not forget to take acknowledgment receipt.
I changed my plan last month in same way.
thanks ricky.
Dear Sir,
I am to inform that I had already applied through online for change of home plan from Rs.750/- to Rs.250/-on 24.7.2011, vide Regn.No:WCR/65109829 dt.24.7.2011. No action was taken to reduce the plane from 750/- to Rs.250/-. But, you have simply sent message to pay the bill amt.Rs.1015/- on or before 30.9.2011.
On receipt of your confirmation, I shall proceed further in the matter.
K. Suseela19/8A, Thiruvalluvar St., Kanchipuram
If you have applied through selfcare portal then I don't think anything will happen, its useless apart of checking bill and usage.