Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales has decided that he would shut down the entire Wikipedia site in protest against anti piracy bill in US. Anti Piracy Bill is one that would allow people to go the court against websites they accuse of copyright, infringement which can result in these culprit sites having barred from search engines or forcing ISPs to block these site.

Internet lovers feel that it would negatively impact the internet as a whole and would bring unneeded censorship in internet. Prominent Opponent of this bill are Google, Facebook, Yahoo,Twitter and ebay.

Wales reckon that shutting up the site would pressure on the US government and they could think twice about bringing this bill. Not so long back Italian version of Wikipedia was shut down for a while in protest of a copyright law which forced Italian Parliament to back down.

So guys do you think big Internet tycoons should introduce a monitoring policy so as to monitor their own content???????