There is a common misconception among many people even today that love builds up as one stays in close relationships, with many of the opinion that love marriages start off with love, but may soon wane off and end up in divorce courts, and arranged marriages develop in love till they live happily ever after. It is true that lobe is highly subjective and the meaning changes from person to person and may also change according to circumstances in the same person. We all sometimes tend to think that once we are in love we are in love forever, for this notion has sometimes caused more harm than good in many.
Checking your love quotient or if you are in a loving relationship would involve:
  • Testing if you feel good being with your partner and spending time with him/her. There is a common misconception or general rule that couples should spend time with each other. I wish to disagree as it is not just time that the couple spends together, the time needs to be quality good time when both enjoy talking on topics of interest, doing things that interest or make both feel good and ultimately make for positive emotions and actions. In this context I would like to point out that I have seen some couples that sleep and spend time in the same bedroom exchanging abusive actions and words. This has only hampered the physical and emotional health of one or both partners.

  • Analyzing and deciding whether our partner makes us feel secure and safe. This does not involve just feeling financially safe and secure, but goes a step further to also analyze whether we feel emotionally and mentally safe. I have known many men that think that giving financial security to ones partner is enough, and they leave no leaf unturned to show their financial supremacy and mentally and emotionally harass their partners.Feeling secure and safe also entails no feeling of fear in losing one’s partner. In addition it is not just feeling secure that constitutes love in relationships, it goes further to observe that the partners have a mutual feeling of respect for one another and have an effective give and take mechanism in their relationship. Talking about our partners and their good points as much as ours constitutes loving relationships.

  • Being interested in what your partner thinks as much as what you think is what makes us positive in the fact that we are in loving relationships. We would be able to acknowledge that we are made different with our own views and opinions, but at the same time we are ready to give a thought to his/her opinion. In addition though we would disagree on certain points, we are always ready to come to compromises and iron out the kinks in our relationship. Our relationships are healthy and there is love in it when we are ready to viewdisagreements as an opportunity to know our partners and rejuvenate the relationship. However when moles are turned to mountains, the fruitfulness of our relationship needs to be thought over deeply.

  • Just questioning ourselves if we want to be together would give us the reply in the positive or negative, with a positive reply showing love and positive emotions in a relationship and a negative meaning a deep thought if it is worth all the trouble. In addition satisfaction with one another is the key to living happily ever after relationships. This does not mean that we should lose all our sense of discretion to decide whom we find smart or beautiful; it is just that you do not care much enough to not be with him/her.
Do you or do you not live in a loving relationship? If not, do not worry for the world is full many others that wish to love and be loved.