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To Tea Or Not To Tea - our real college humor ..(prank)


  1. #1
    abhinav_1_2 is offline Just in!

    Smile To Tea Or Not To Tea - our real college humor ..(prank)

    This is an incident dating back to my college days when we were let loose to build our social network without Facebook.

    Every individual in our friend circle considered himself the greatest and was always in a jolly mood until his turn came to get mocked.

    No one could predict when he would be mocked. Friends who talked illogical were torn apart after their repeated meaningless talks.

    One day after classes (wait a minute don't be under impression that we attended any classes) we went out for tea which was our usual hangout point (spell it adda).

    An urgent mobile call came to our friend called "Branded" (why we called him branded will be discussed in another post). He went away from us to talk. He never paid any tea bills and everyone was fed up with his miser behavior.

    In the mean time we ordered tea excluding him. It took him great 20 mins to finish his conversation. By this time our tea was finished.

    During those 20 mins and after finishing our tea we mixed whatever was left in everyone's cup and added water to make it full tea. Surely it was cold and tasteless tea.

    He then came back asked why we did not ordered tea for him ? Out of courtesy we gave him our "hand made" tea and to our amazement he drank whole tea with a sentence "the tea has lost its warmth!"

    We were surprised and looked at each other's faces with smile. Anyone in his place would have known after 2-3 sips and would have left it. But our great miser "Branded" did it with success and left the place without paying the bill as usual !!!

  2. #2
    marcd is offline Newbie
    Thats very yack!

    I hope you never told him reality of that tea ... did you ?

  3. #3
    Anand mohan's Avatar
    Anand mohan
    Anand mohan is offline eTI Copper
    WoHH...branded tea for branded, nice prank did he know anything about this or not yet.
    Last edited by Anand mohan; 01-29-2013 at 09:21 AM.

  4. #4
    abhinav_1_2 is offline Just in!
    actually its a well kept secret.....and until he reads this post he will be totally unaware of it.....which is highly unlikely....

  5. #5
    abhinav_1_2 is offline Just in!
    He already knows he is "Branded"......but this secret is well kept till now....

  6. #6
    swapnilramani's Avatar
    swapnilramani is offline eTI Iron
    Branded Tea for "Branded" personality, I wished he should have known the prank, because it would have made him know the reality of how miser he is and you all were fed up of his misery....but anyways that was too funny how did he not recognized the prank it hardly happens in India specially in case of tea.

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  8. #7
    Aarish Rizvi's Avatar
    Aarish Rizvi
    Aarish Rizvi is offline eTI Bronze
    That is gross..

    Do tell him what you did and I hope he will never talk to you again

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