Hi friends,

I see many tips shared by fellow eTI members, I think time to share one from my side too. Its actually quite simple one. So, BSNL is larget broadband provider in India. Its backed by Government of India and hence because of its presence even in remotest part of the country, you will find it almost everywhere. But on the other hand BSNL broadband plans are really costly. If you compare them to other ISP providing services in major cities, they are not practical at all, yet we have to pay premium prices because most of us have no other choices.

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Today, its about BSNL BBG Combo UL 675 plan, it provides 2mbps speed upto 1GB and after that unlimited 512kbps but with simple technique you can continue enjoying 2mbps speed even after you have reached FUP ie. have downloaded 1 GB data. It looks like that BSNL decides your connection speed everytime you connect your broadband. So, if you have not reached 1GB download, it will give you 2mbps, while if it sees on new connection that you have crossed 1GB download, then it will assign you 512kbps.

So, in order to continue 2mbps speed, all you need to do is that on start of every month, simply do not reconnect your broadband. Just keep doing stuff you want, download at 2mbps, watch videos. You will get 2mbps speed unless its not disconnected. I have tested it and worked for me. Have also asked other guys to test and got confirmation.

But remember, you need to have good line, earlier my link was not stable so it was not possible. I guess, almost all guys have their internet mostly only 24/7 so you should continue receiving 2mbps unless you don't reconnect.

Thanks for reading. However, its just my observation, I do not take any responsibility or guarantee that it will work for you too.