Nach Baliye 4, one of the the most prominent reality show based on Dance Genre concluded its final for season Four on February 1st,2009. After 13 sizzling long weeks of non-stop dance and masti , Star Plus Nach Baliye came to an end with the close competition between the Finalists Naman Shaw-Megha Gupta and Shaleen Bhanot-Daljit Kaur . And finally Jodi #11 and favorites Shaleen Bhanot and Daljit Kaur were declared winners of Nach Baliye 4.
The night was made even more fabulous by presence Guest Shahrukh and Lara Dutta who were present there. There were also performances from the previous winners of Nach Baliye Hussein-Tina and Aamir-Sanjeeda while Rakhi Sawant sans Abhishek Awasthi proved to be true dancer on the stage.