BOND- James bond 007- a character of detective which is enough popular as superman, today i got time to saw daniel craig's 2nd bond movie after casino royale casting - Daniel craig,Olga, Kurylenko,mathiew amalric,felix lecter with Dame jude dench.. rate- overall 7/10 runtime- 106 mins. - story is just ok but the actions are superb here bond is seeking revenge by finding his g.f. murderer and the reason why they killed her-- the opening scene is bond is chased by some gangsters on the road with cars that damn scene runs for 15 mins. nd you can't blink your eyes due to superb nd master actions of cars really stunning action in the start after destroying the chasing gang when bond reach at the place of his boss madame M. another chase starts again as now he is chasing the man who shot on him and madame M. wot a wonderful work in this scene as they ran on the top of the buildings then caught nd killed that man.the centre character and villion of the movie is dominic green who is a world renowned develpor of green technolgy but actually he is going to spread terror by the sake of envoirmental bond is searching to reach the logic and the boss of the whole mishaps..finally with the help of his hi-tech weapons and hi tech facilties and the super martial and fast fights he finished the villion and save the girl..typical bollywood masala movie story..guys thumbs up for the superb action but story is not upto expectations but i think the screen play is so fast that you cant assume anything else..a good time pass with hifi techs and g8 actions..must watch for people who love action movies..enjoy the movie nd next time i will post transporter 3..take cq