All Generation Names. Here you will discover the names of all the different generations along with their respective ages.

The Greatest Generation – born 1901-1927
these folks are between the ages of 98 and 121.

The Silent Generation – born 1928-1945
In 2022, people in this group are between 77 and 97.

The Baby Boomer Generation – born 1946-1964
Boomers are currently between the ages of 58 and 76.

Generation X – born 1965-1980
This groups of folks is currently between the ages of 43 and 57.

Millennials – born 1981-1996
They are between the ages of 28 and 42.

Generation Z – born 1996-2012
This group of people are between the ages of 10 and 27.

Gen Alpha – born 2013 – 2025
The oldest people in this group would be 9 years old this year.