Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of women in creating a “new trend of family” to deal with the problems of an ageing population and a low birth rate. He talked about this with the All China Women’s Federation and said that women’s work is very important for family and social harmony, as well as national development and progress. Xi asked for the development of a new culture of marriage and childbearing and guidance on young people’s views on these issues.

Many young Chinese women are choosing not to have children for various reasons.

The high cost of childcare in China.
Raising a child involves a lot of expenses, such as education, healthcare, and living costs, which have gone up a lot in recent years. Many women find it hard to afford having a family.

The difficulty of balancing career and family.
The job market and the work culture in China are very competitive and demanding. They often require people, especially women, to work long hours and sacrifice their personal lives. This makes it hard for women to have time and energy for their families.

The gender discrimination that women face.
Society still expects women to follow traditional gender roles and do most of the housework and childcare. This puts a lot of pressure on women and limits their opportunities and choices. Some women decide to postpone or give up having children because of this.

The change in attitude towards marriage.
More and more young Chinese women value their personal freedom and independence more than following social norms. They want to focus on their own careers, personal growth, and happiness, rather than getting married and having children.

These reasons have created a complicated situation for young Chinese women. They have led to a big drop in the number of women having children, which is a problem for society and the country. There is a need for changes in policies and culture to support women who want to have both career and family.