28 th Day!

Big Boss gave them a message that 3 new members coming in the house of Big Boss and they have to take care of them and have to cook food for them and gave members too wear red Happy to help Vodaphone T shirt... Big Boss sent 3 children's ( 2 boys and 1 girl ) in the house and everyone treated them like a kid.. how sweet.

The girl start preparing the Disc for them and boys had a fun with them.. first time girl get bored with the joke of Raju.. children had food and Big Boss gave them pleasant gift.

Later Rohit start doing biting about Tanaaz and baktyaar with Raju and later on with Claudia ...

On other hand Baktyaar talked about VIndu and his behavior in front of Shamita, Vindu and Tanaaz.. and Tanaaz made him understand the situation.. with just after this conversation Baktyaar walk into the wash room and cried like a baby and make himself relaxes... and later Vindu shared his feeling with Poonam how bad he is feeling about Vindu's behavior for Sherlyn and Poonam made him understand that don't make this thing effect on himself as they are not making any relation with him but we are in the house and we have to face it.. and told him( Vindu ) also about his behavior after that moment.. and aske Baktyaar not to talk with him if he is not feeling and not to hurt himself...

Vindu standing in front of mirror and taking to himself not to behave such thing again and have to respect elders and women..

Rohit start biting about Vindu to Rohit and made her convince as other doing biting about others...

Later in the night Aaditi , Shamita , Poonam and Claudia made Tanaaz in horror and she got shocked with this... and in other hand Vindu taking to himself.. why other giving heart attack to Tanaaz as she going to get it by tomorrow's Nomination..
