Working on a computer for long hours could lead to the weakening of your hand muscles. Do your hands hurt when you write? Blame the long working hours on the computer.
Experts say that an increasing use of the keyboard or mobile phone to type the text is making hand muscles less flexible.
“While writers can get writer's cramps, with over use of the computer I see more and more people getting arthritis,” Dr Naveen Talwar expert Dept of Orthopaedics.
So it's not just your handwriting that you need to worry about, with the overuse of the computer and typing, joints can get rough. This can lead to pain and swelling in the joints of the hand - causing arthritis. Disturbing as it may sound, it is avoidable.
"The best way is to avoid prolonged usage. So many people are typing while in the car, while at home on laptop, in bed, at work. If this is avoided - then further complications can be prevented,” added Talwar.
src: IBN