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I want my Indian Citizenship back


  1. #1
    iwasstolen is offline Just in!

    I want my Indian Citizenship back

    I was born in India and stolen from my family. I was then adoptedf into Canada in 1978. I then became a Canadiana Citizen in 1980. The people that abused me were found mentally unfit to adopt children in Canada but having money they were able to adopt me privatley.
    After my adotption I was kept in an attic and sexaully and physically abused with no one checking on me. I desperatly wanted to go back home to India and I wrote a letter to the nuns begging them to let me come back home to India. They said that I had to be a good girl and say my hail marys.
    I feel I should not have hjad my indian citizenship taken away and that I should have been given dual citizenship. I still feel India is myy home and I am in an alien country. The nuns promised me that Canada would give me everything I ever dreamed of instead it took all my dreams and almost my life.

    I am des[erate to find my family and go home please check out my stroy and video on http:www.youtube.com/iwasstolen
    Pass this video on to other people in India that you know so that I can find my family. It is important that both videos are watched especially part two. Please help me to go home blessings to you all

  2. #2
    sandeepsingh-YUVA is offline eTI Member

    Re: I want my Indian Citizenship back

    Definitely you can get your citizenship back but do you have enough proof with you

  3. #3
    iwasstolen is offline Just in!

    Re: I want my Indian Citizenship back

    What kind of proof do I need to get my citizenship back. I have adoption papers that I was adopted in 1978 into Canada. I have proof that I was badly abused and taken away by social services. Could you explain please?

  4. #4
    sportfree is offline eTI Iron

    Re: I want my Indian Citizenship back

    Cool hope most of them will have the same type of wish to sttle down in India ..

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