Hey frndss
Someone plzz tell me, is jetking a good institute or nt?
Bcz i want to take admission in that for the course hardware n networking bt i m afraid. Is it fraud or real?
Plzz suggest me
Hey frndss
Someone plzz tell me, is jetking a good institute or nt?
Bcz i want to take admission in that for the course hardware n networking bt i m afraid. Is it fraud or real?
Plzz suggest me
Topic Approved
Now coming to your question, Jetking is not fraud and is a good hardware and networking private Institute in India. But their quality vary from place to place, mostly dependable on faculty and franchise owner.
If you want to have career in computer Hardware and Networking then start with short course, like 3 months or Six months. Once you finish that course successfully, you will be aptly equipped with knowledge to take future decision in this field. Then choose what you actually need, a degree, a diploma or anything else.We can then help you much better with your specific queries.
Good luck.
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