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How many consoles required to open Gaming Parlor ?


  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    How many consoles required to open Gaming Parlor ?

    i want to start new game parlour, i want to know that how much consoles requreid for the parlour...

  2. #2
    Rohit Chandra's Avatar
    Rohit Chandra
    Rohit Chandra is offline eTI Iron

    Number of console in a gaming parlour depends upon your need, there no such number which is good for all. I suggest start with minimum consoles and as you see need for more then buy more. May be buy one PS4, one XBOX ONE or may be look for used PS3 and Xbox 360. But in any case, don't invest too much.

    And I hope you have seen other articles about starting game parlour on eTI already.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest

    gaming parlor

    I am 20 years old boy from Maharashtra,India. I want to start a gaming cafe in our city..there in no another cafe in our city. SO it will be plus point. but my problem is I got a place for it near a bus stop. but there is no anything related to children..so will it work ?????

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