Why do we ask sorry even when we are not wrong?

Why do we bend ourselvs as we cant afford loosing them?

... Why do we run 2 help a buddy even after bitter quarrel?

Why do we feel pleasure in hurting the one we love?

Why do we always eager to reach out despite being avoided?

Why we explain everybit even wen its not askd for?

Why do we forget all our anger n forgive when its all over?

Why do we always try to avoid but cant resist the person who is causing d most pain?

Why we get consoled only wen we cry on their shoulders who made us cry?


Some pains are more enjoyed than happiness!
Some relations are more satisfactory than self-ego!
Some defeats are more triumphant than victory!
Some moments are more precious than breath..
Live all the moments happily..!!!!

It doesn't matter where you go in life
What you do or how much you have.
What matters is who you have beside you.

Do what makes you happy
Be with the one who makes you smile
Laugh as much as you breathe
Love as long as you live.

Happy Valentine Day ........... guys !!!

All The Best...!!!
Enjoy !!!!