Most of the students getting good marks in maths but a large number of students has no (mathematical) values.Am I correct? comment
Most of the students getting good marks in maths but a large number of students has no (mathematical) values.Am I correct? comment
yes offcourse they are getting marks but not having mathematical value.they cant even apply the basic maths in their life only thing they require is the calulator..and this is not the solution.![]()
Mathematical is one of subject that we can gain full marks.. but in now days every one using calculator for basic solution, but they get mathematical value.. its not good..
I think that mathematics is more or less a vocation. Everyone can be good at maths, but to be very good or excellent is another story. Very graduate students in pure mathematics are rare.
There Is Nothing Easy nor Difficult but it is depend on interest as well as Practice of perticular Subject.
Well, I am not agree with this. I can understand that Math is a typical subject to understand but if math is a interesting subject to learn,really I am confused that why student afraid from it. Math is one of the subject which gives you the perfect value.
My friends...
Mathematics is all about practise...
the more you practise, he more you fall in love with mathematics.
Values which we are talking about comes along with practise.
it cannot be attached to the use of calculator.
HI Harshit,
Very well said and I want to add that once you start understanding it , you will start loving it. Its beautiful but it need practice and dedication.
Hey no subject is as hard. It is just your interest and the way you understand the topics of the subject. Every subject is good if you are interested in that subject.
Nothing is difficult in this world and also not everything easy. Math is a subject which require proper dedication and hard work of a student. Students always have to practice more and more for success.
Regular practice is the key to get pro in Mathematics..
I also Agree what Rohit1 said..
Mathematical is a subject in which anyone can get full marks and this is the most interesting subject to work on.
Mathematical is a subject where you can earn full marks. Secondly it depends on the students interest what subject they would love to opt? Mostly kids has the fobia that math is very tough but i think with practice you can get great grades.
Math is neither easy nor difficult. It depends on the mindset of the learner how he takes math. Math is difficult to those who are afraid of it