Dear Members,
In order to make eTI a* friendly, healthy and good community we have some rules and regulation need to be followed. We will also try to explain certain terms frequently used on eTI.
You may find Signature, Avatar etc. under "Settings" on top of each page when you are logged in.
What are Signatures
Signature is small area below each post on eTI unique to each user, that area may contain picture of that user, his interest, information about his work etc. You can also have links to your personal sites or blogs or other posts on eTI. Every time you make a post, your signature is automatically shown unless you have not disabled it explicitly on your profile settings. You can set signature only after making certain amount of posts.
What are profile pictures and avatar
Profile picture are images which represent you and are shown on profile while Avatars are again small picture representing you and are shown beside each post you makes on eTI. You can use your own picture or anything you like.
What are LINKS
Links are simply a text in post or topic which takes you to another place or page when you clicks on it. You are allowed to add
links in each posts, in signature but within forum rules. Spamming is not allowed at all.
Rules about Signature and Avatar / profile pictures
- You can set signature only after completing 10 posts on eTI.
- Never use too big signature or avatar.
- Never use any avatar for direct advertisement purpose. However you can use your sig to have link to your website and can add maximum two links in signature.
- Don't use any abusive, offensive, adult type of picture in your Signature or avatar.
- You are not allowed to use Sig or avatar which shows direct hatred to some one including but not limited to an entity, any community , person etc.
- Link to the site having similar subject or nature as are strictly not allowed.
Posting on
- Your first few posts may not be visible instantly on eTI as for new users, they go through in order to maintain quality.
- Kindly post in appropriate forum ie. a post about mobile phone purchase query should be in "Mobile phone / handset discussion forum" and not in "Love, relationship advice forum"
- Don't use any type of abusive language i.e. usage of abusive language is strictly not allowed.
- Don't post same question in more than once in any forum or section.
- You are not allowed to do any type of advertising for any type of company or any other stuff. You can only post links in the forums where it is allowed and are needed by topic of post.
- Posting of anything which can hurt feelings of any community or religion are not allowed at all.
- Trying to settle private issue by posting in public forum is strictly not allowed. You can always ask Moderators / Senior Members to help you.
- We are not responsible for any type of post or content posted by users.
- Topics, Discussions and Posted Content in this website by users is Copyright of the respective authors.
- We reserves right to change rules and guidelines anytime.
Please see terms and conditions for more information.
We hope that you will follow all the above rules and regulation to make the forum clean and healthy.
** Any one who is found not according to the above rules will be warned. If again found not following then will be banned from eTI community forums.
Please use Support Section or use Contact us if you have any doubt or suggestion towards these rules and guidelines.
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