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Understanding after marriage - difficulty in agreements over opinion


  1. #1
    Ayeshatab Guest

    Unhappy Understanding after marriage - difficulty in agreements over opinion

    Hi I am 31 yr old woman having two young kids . I and my. Husband we both love each other but having difficulties understand ing an sharing an opinion .....
    This is an love marriage and we r in the marriage since 6 yrs

  2. #2
    Savera's Avatar
    Savera is offline eTI Aluminium
    This thing is not about marriage, it can happen between anyone including friends, parents and couples. May be you can give one such example where you faced the issue as with such a small information, it is not possible to give any good advice.


  3. #3
    drsky is offline eTI Iron
    If it is an opinion really worth debating about such as critical or really important issues, then you can suggest to him that since you both are having a disagreement with it, to find alternative help: counsellors, caring family members, good friends opinion etc to help out or simply to try one's idea first and then the other's(if it is possible).
    If they are not important issues, then it is better not to bring them up, rather than be in an argument.

    And pray to God daily(for God is love) and HE can bring you love(miracles happen daily), and help couples and singles seeking love and marriage as much as possible(through out your life) so that positive karma/action will bring positivity and peace and love into your married life.

    Wish you the best,

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