If you want to keep your heart healthy, you should do some aerobic exercises regularly. Aerobic exercises are also called “cardio” because they make your heart work harder and stronger. They also help you control your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, which are all important factors for preventing heart disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercises every week, or a combination of both.

But what are some examples of aerobic exercises that are good for your heart? According to a cardiologist, Jessica Hennessy, MD, PhD, there are five types of aerobic exercises that she recommends:

Walking or running: These are simple and effective ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness and reduce stress. You can use your heart rate to guide your intensity level. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age, and you should aim for 50 to 85 percent of that number when you exercise.

Strength training: This involves lifting weights or using resistance bands to build your muscle strength and endurance. It also helps you burn more calories and fat, and protect your bones and joints. You should do strength training at least two times a week, and work all your major muscle groups.

Yoga: This is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. It can help you relax, lower your blood pressure, improve your flexibility and balance, and reduce inflammation. You can choose from different styles of yoga, such as hatha, vinyasa, or bikram, depending on your preference and skill level.

Swimming: This is a low-impact exercise that works your whole body and is gentle on your joints. It can improve your lung capacity, blood circulation, and heart function. It can also lower your risk of stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. You can swim laps, join a water aerobics class, or do some water exercises on your own.

Cycling: This is a fun and convenient way to get around and stay fit. It can boost your metabolism, strengthen your leg muscles, and lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. It can also improve your mood and mental health. You can cycle on the road, on a bike path, or on a stationary bike at home or at the gym.

These are some of the aerobic exercises that you can do to keep your heart healthy and happy. Remember to start slowly, warm up before and cool down after each session, and drink plenty of water. You can also mix up your routine and try different activities to keep yourself motivated and challenged. And most importantly, enjoy yourself and have fun!