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How do you tell if a business is real?


  1. #1
    maluba is offline Newbie

    How do you tell if a business is real?

    i want to buy a laptop online. I visited laptopplaza.com and i found good laptops at reasonable prizes. Now i have never had of laptopplaza before. is there a way i can verify or tell if the business is legitimate ?

  2. #2
    jigs is offline eTI Iron

    Re: How do you tell if a business is real?

    Buying a laptop online is not a bad idea but if go to the showroom and have look at it then it will be much better for u.

    If you buying anything online don’t pay until u get the delivery at your place.

    As per the Company Profile: We are one of the fastest growing resellers of technology products , with a strong 11 year track record of providing our customer base with a wide range of products and services. With our broad customer base, advanced technology and in-house inventory management system, we are able to efficiently move large quantities of product into the marketplace.

    We are also resellers of technology products. But we don’t get any warranty as the company cancels all the warranty for that machine. So if you are buying it then confirm it who’s is providing warranty for the laptops.

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