We all knows that every kid has to face bullying in his life once a while whether its physical or its verbal. Its very common problem faced by almost all mother when their kids starts going to school. Infact, some children are always at receiving end for jabs. But from recent research it has been observed that those children who were bullying in childhood came out to be more stronger and healther when they grew up.
It is well known fact that kids who were bullied in childhood generally faces problem of dipression and other personality related disorder in their later stage of life. But, as per research done by Duke University of United States in 1993. In study there were 1420 children who were studied and it was found that those who bullied others were better, healthier and mentally stronger in their adulthood.
But it never means that being bully is good, there are also evidence that those who bullied others had greater chances of being criminal in future.
So, being bully is not always bad but it has positive aspect too. Though all you need is to make sure that when a child is grown up, he is on a good path of life.